Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Devil’s Island, French Guiana March 7, 2013

Devils’ Island (French: Ile du Diable) was infamous as part of the French penal settlement in use from 1852-1946.  There are actually three islands and the main penal settlement is located on Ile Royale.  Devil’s Island is much smaller and was used for solitary confinement.  It was the home of the most famous prisoner, Captain Dreyfuss.  The best known account of life in the penal colony is in the novel and movie Papillon.

Panorama of Ile Royale.  You can see the church steeple.  You’ll also note the yachts as the island is a very quiet tourist stop with hotel.

Panorama of Ile Royale

This is a tender stop.  The islands are unprotected from the Atlantic and chances of actually being able to tender are less than 50%.   Noreen and I were here about 10 years ago on an Amazon River cruise and were unable to land.  This time we were lucky and made it.


The island is still dangerous.  The currents are treacherous and sharks still hover about from the days when prisoner bodies were thrown into the sea.  Only guards, guards families, and children were buried on the island.


Convent, Maternity wards (for guard families), and hospital.


Married guard housing.


Solitary and Condemned cells



Prisoner cell block building


solitary cell door.  The opening was made famous in the movie when Steve McQueen stuck his head through the opening as prisoners were required to do.  I tired to put my head through but it was too tight.  several others pushed it and got scraped noses for their effort.


Inside the cell.


The hallway.  Grating above the door let light and air into the cells.


Barracks for guards is now a hotel, restaurant and, of course, the ever present gift shop.  You can do a vacation there if you like.


The chapel which has wall paintings by prisoners.  It is not open to the public.


This building was the chief doctor’s quarters.  It is now home to the island gendarmes and administration.


Markings on the floor which show where the steel gates used to be.


Steps leading to Commandant’s House.  Remember, everything you have seen was built and maintained by the prisoners.


Overall map of the island.


The island has some full time residents.  This is a Agoutis.  They look like reddish guinea pigs on stilts.


There are peacocks and chickens.



A view of the actual Devil’s Island.  No one is allowed there and the ruins of Dreyfus’s hut have been over grown and not viable since December of 2004.


We hope you enjoyed this quick visit to a place not many get to see.

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