Thursday, February 21, 2013

Buenos Aires, Argentina February 10-11, 2013

Buenos Aires was really two separate trips for us.  On day one we wandered about the town and attended a Tango show that evening.  On day two we flew to Iguazu Falls located on the border of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.  Since we had problems posting last time I am going to use two separate blog entries for the two days.

Of course no visit is complete without first stopping by our old friends and saying hi.


Then we had to get an internet connection to see how things were going.  You remember I spoke of McDonalds and Starbucks as contact places.  Noreen seems more at home in the oak and leather bar of the Marriott with a glass of wine and snacks.  She says the internet feels more friendly there.


We swung by the Presidential Place located at the end of Plaza de Mayo.  From the balcony you are looking at Juan and Eva Peron appeared before their supporters.  It is where Eva sang “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina.”  Only kidding.


Palace Guards


Noreen with a palace guard.


A portrait of Eva…...and Ken  Not exactly like our presidential portraits.


Of course we have to give Juan equal time.


Looking the other way from the Palace down the Plaza.


In this area between the palace and the white pyramid mothers rallied to protest the “dirty wars” of the 1970s and the disappearance of their sons.

This monument celebrates Argentina’s independence in May 1810.


Some views traveling around.  many streets were tree lined, lots of green spaces and very clean.




Wall art.


That evening we went to a Tango Show.  Buenos Aires is very proud to claim the Tango as it’s own.  Of course there are other claimants but we were here so we’ll go with the locals.  It’s hard to show the Tango in pictures.  I have video but haven’t been able to upload it to YouTube yet.  We’ll keep trying.



Hope you enjoyed this brief trip.  Day two at Iguazu Falls coming soon.

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